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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MAYA hair & beauty salon 44
MAYAR the soul of beauty 5
MAYUR beauty 25
MEANINGFUL beauty 3, 5
MEHAK beauty parlour 41
MEHBOOBA beauty soap +woman 3
MILAN beauty 25
MOZ beauty soap +woman 3
NAKOWA beauty soap +woman 3
NAUSHAD hair & beauty loung 44
NBA NIRMAL'S beauty +woman 44
NEEDA LIME beauty soap +han 3
NEROLAC beauty +flower 2
NEW GLAMOUR beauty soap 3
NIMPF beauty product +woman 3
NIRMA beauty +woman 3
NIRMA beauty shikakai +woma 3
NIRMA beauty soap +woman 3
NITYA beauty forever 3
OBSESSION beauty care +woma 3
OCCASION hair & beauty salo 42
OILO natural beauty soap 3
OILUM beauty soap +flowers 3
OILUM beauty soap +plant 3
OLIFAIR beauty cosmetics 3
ORIENT bombay beauty 25
ORKHID herbal beauty soap 3
OSIRIS beauty 3
OYSTER beauty clinic 42
PACIFIC hair care & beauty 44
PAPILLON the beauty salon 42
PARCIAN beauty 24
PINKEE'S the beauty studio 41
POND'S 7-day beauty plan 3
POND'S double beauty 3
POND'S white beauty 3
POP beauty 3
POPULAR beauty & hair care 44
PRAFFUL'S beauty spot 24, 25
PRAVEEN mumbai beauty 25
PREET'S herbal beauty world 16
PRIYA beauty soap +woman 3
PUNK beauty 25
PV'S OLEE beauty parlour 42
QUTE beauty parlour +woman 42
RANI beauty parlour 45
RANJIT beauty +women 3
RAYBON-beauty & lence 9
RELIANCE beauty 42
RELIANCE pure beauty 42
RG RAM-G beauty parlour 44
RIZWANA beauty world 3
ROMA beauty soap +woman 3
ROYAL LOOKS beauty & spa 44
S SPARKLE beauty salon +ova 42
S.P. nail beauty 3
SADHNA beauty soap +flowers 3
SAKHI the beauty clinic 42
SALON INDIA hair & beauty 35
SALONI beauty 3
SAMIDHA beauty care +woman 3
SANGAM beauty parlour 42
SANGAM beauty parlour +lamp 16
SANJIVANI hair and beauty 41
SANTOOR beauty talc 3
SANTOOR beauty talc +wreath 3
SARITA beauty 24
SAS a thing of beauty +bird 16
SATYAM beauty & health +ova 3
SCHOLL HEALTH & beauty 10
SCHOLL HEALTH & beauty feet 3, 10
SHANDAR beauty +trees 3
SHE POINT beauty parlour 41
SHELL hair beauty skin care 44
SHRISHTI beauty +woman 3
SILVER beauty 3
SINGAR beauty bar +woman 3
SKINOMICS medical beauty 3, 5
SLEEPING beauty 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 41
SMART LADY hair & beauty 35
SMART LOOK beauty salon 44
SMILE beauty plaza 42
SNEH beauty +woman & oval 3
SNEH beauty soap 3
SPARKLE beauty centre & spa 44
SPRAY unisex hair & beauty 44
SRC RAMDEV bengal beauty 24
SRC RAMDEV calcutta beauty 24
STELLA'S beauty salon 44
SUBHANGI-beauty 25
SURBHI beauty parlour 42
SVIZFAIR & beauty 3
SWAROOP chandan beauty soap 3
TAMANNA hair & beauty salon 44
TANGLES hair & beauty 44
TARAN beauty parlour +woman 44
TAURUS hair & beauty saloon 42
TC total care beauty salon 42
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